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Heros Journey

  "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls." - Joseph Campbell HEROS JOURNEY Campbell theorised all myths & stories, share the structure of a hero’s journey known as the “monomyth.”  This journey enables us to understand the pitfalls and the highs of our own life. See this video for an explanation on these stages: Here's how applying this to your life can offer you comfort & guidance:  Perception - By perceiving ourselves as the hero in our story we are taking back the power, we decide our narrative. Whether you are just starting your journey, or you have been on this journey for a long time - where you are on your individual journey does not matter. So please do not compare where you are to someone who set off on their journey years ago. These stages may be avoided, repeated, or shifted depending on the needs of the individual. Expect the unexpected - How many of you have re

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