
Why can we never find our person? or maybe we've found them but we feel like we don't deserve them, that we're not good enough, slim enough, smart enough, etc. 

Even an alien's relationship history can look pretty bleak, but because of that, I've learned what I do want in a companion. 

I've been thinking a lot about love these past 24 hours from a relationship ending. It was only brief we parted on good terms. We simply weren't right for each other -  I tried too hard to be what they wanted - simply we weren't compatible. 
True love should never be forced, it should be as natural as breathing. If it doesn't feel right to you - value yourself to notice the red flags and do not compromise your needs or wants for another. 

There is a cliche, but true saying 'How can I love others if I don't know how to love myself?' 

 Ultimately, if we reject a part of ourselves to please another -  we have not accepted and loved ourselves truly as we are. We are unique awesome individuals. 

So my journey of self-love begins here, to love myself, to accept compliments and not brush them off, to do more things in life that bring me joy, and to learn to put my needs first. 

Your needs matter, you matter.

We deserve to be listened to, accepted, loved, valued, appreciated for exactly who we are and not by others' perception of who they want us to be. So venture forth and be your wild, beautiful, unique self. 

Others' opinions of you are just opinions, no one can define who you are - you have the freedom to create and evolve into who you want to be.  You get to decide that for yourself.  Give yourself the love you are longing to receive - focus on making your own life as bright and beautiful as you choose and when you unapologetically love yourself the rest will follow. 

- Han


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